wedding lighting rental

Sound and lighting for weddings

wedding lighting rental

The wedding parties and ceremonies, nowadays, have become big big events! New wedding lighting rental technologies introduced to the market, endless options of sound, light and image. However, there are some doubts, regarding the sound and lighting for weddings, about which is the best option, DJ or live band.

We are going to talk today about the advantages and disadvantages that we should consider when choosing one service or another.

Considerations when hiring sound and wedding lighting rental?

1 – Profile of guests, example:

It’s not just what you like to hear that will set the pace for your party!

For you to have a lively party, the reaction and permanence of your guests until the end is very important. And it’s the wedding lighting rental that makes it happen most of the time.

If your guests prefer Funk (Rio style) and electronic music, the option for a DJ is ideal.

Most wedding musicians, as well as the sound of live band instruments do not adapt well to such styles and end up mischaracterizing the songs.

Combination of music and wedding lighting rental

However, if you enjoy live music, you like to hear the different timbres of instruments and voices, but you know that this is not the profile of your guests, a great option:

Live band until dinnertime (preferably eclectic bands)

DJ after dinner partying until the end

If the profile of your guests is live music lovers, classics, international pop, Jazz, flash back, classic rock, sertanejo, samba… that is… an eclectic profile, an option would be:

  • Live band until dinner time for 2h
  • DJ during the break (repertoire to be agreed)
  • Live band partying after dinner for 2 hours
  • DJ finishing

It is obvious that this is not a rule, they are just tips and observations from someone who has worked in the wedding lighting rental business for over 20 years, with sound and lighting for weddings and is used to different situations.

2 – The venue of the event regarding its acoustics

Keep in mind that when it comes to live band, (no play back), inevitably the volume tends to be louder.

Instruments such as drums, sax, and trumpet easily exceed the 75 decibels (even when disconnected) maximum limit allowed in some event spaces.

  • Always ask the person responsible for the space if it has acoustic treatment.
  • Ask what the allowable decibel limit, for live band, on average 90 db would be ideal.
  • If the location does not allow volume above 75 db, and you like live music suggested ideal:
  • DJ at reception for 30 min
  • Dual voice and guitar until dinner time 2:00
  • DJ clubbing after dinner until the end

3 – The location of the wedding lighting rental event regarding electricity

Also make sure that the wedding lighting rental place has appropriate power outlets, for connection to a generator or street energy, coming from the utility company, the bands in general end up having a greater demand for energy.


Hire a stand by or full time generator, regardless of whether you are a band or a DJ.

4 – The location of the event in terms of space

In case you choose a band, make sure that the place has enough space to accommodate all musicians on stage at the same time, choose places that already have a stage and dressing room.

If the venue does not have a stage, the ideal would be to hire one that meets the band’s needs.

  • Always look for a Band or DJ attraction that is compatible with the event space.
  • Find out where the stages are usually set up on site, as well as the permitted dimensions.
  • How to choose the Event Space

How to choose the wedding lighting rental Space?

Chances are you have some connection to the event branch!

Are you preparing for the wedding lighting rental, making quotes and visiting event spaces?

Thinking about choosing the Event Space?

All that time-consuming process creates stress and anxiety.

How to choose the Event Space, today about wedding…

Today, we’re going to talk a little bit about How to choose a wedding lighting rental Space, focusing exclusively on weddings.

The events market and the growth in the number of spaces are huge.

There are many spaces wedding lighting rental available today!

The growing market for wedding parties and ceremonies in 2017 turned over more than $20 billion! Matter about the wedding market

The options are many!

The growing number of spaces for wedding lighting rental events brings the consumer a wide range of values ​​and services offered.

Unfortunately too many spaces; let’s say the vast majority are not prepared to meet the market’s innovations and demands.

How to choose the wedding lighting rental Space?

Regardless of the event profile, there are some basic requirements that must be observed.

Supporting the quality of the services provided by the suppliers involved, we list 7 main items below:

1) – Security

The site must have properly loaded and classified wedding lighting rental available in an easily accessible location.

Exit doors that allow for quick evacuation from the site in case of an emergency. Tents set up due to bad weather, properly staked and secured to the ground. Similarly, well-lit outdoor area is important to facilitate the work of the security team.

Types of lighting most used in weddings

2) – Place for loading and unloading

The place for loading and unloading must have a wide entrance, which allows suppliers to optimize the assembly and disassembly periods.

3) – Period of operation

Ideally, the space is already available in the morning, during business hours, preferably from 7:00 am or 8:00 am. Suppliers can carry out the assembly of the event with the time running in favor. This can avoid stress and rush.

If the space is only available after lunch, all suppliers must be notified by the contracting party. It should be at the time of hiring, in order to make the necessary personnel adjustments. Similarly, this often generates an increase in the cost of hand of work.

Good quality electrical energy

wedding lighting rental 2021

The supply of good quality electricity is must for wedding lighting rental. The spaces for events that claim to support the hiring of DJs and Bands for Weddings, with or without the need to hire a full time Energy Generator or stand by, must have in their installations three-phase power boxes, exclusive for sound and lighting installation.