wedding lighting

Your Comprehensive Guide on Wedding Lighting

From wedding cake to flowers to invites, we pay attention to every detail of a wedding. But, what we don’t realize is that wedding lighting is just as important as other details. In fact, it will not be wrong to say that your wedding lighting is the most critical decoration element at your wedding. Adding the suitable types of lights will create a great ambiance on your big day and draw the attention of the people as well. Hence, it has the capability of converting even a simple setting into a special one. Not only this, but the wedding pictures will turn out to be great as well. Therefore, you must put many thoughts and considerations into the lightings that you pick for your wedding.

After all, you have a wide variety of wedding lights at your disposal. You can go with discharge-lamp moving lights or the theatre lights. There are several other similar options available.

Why is Wedding Lighting a Great Investment?

The mere presence of the correct type of lights can change the entire ambiance of your wedding venue. Not only this, but it can completely change the look and feel of the things that you have planned. This is why wedding lighting is known as such an excellent investment. Want to know more advantages of choosing the right type of wedding lights? Keep reading then.

1.     Catches the Attention of the Guests

It is essential to ensure that everyone focuses on important things at the right moment at a wedding. You want the attention of your guests upon you when you are exchanging the vows with your soul mate. This is what perfect lighting is capable of achieving. If the rest of the room is filled with too much lighting, it will easily distract the attention of your guests. So, if you want to keep the attention of everyone upon you, make sure that you choose the perfect lights for your aisle and altar. Keep the rest of the space a bit dimmer than your aisle. It will surely grab the attention of everyone.

2.     Creates Intimacy

It is imperative to create a feeling of intimacy among yourself and your guests at the wedding. Although bright lighting is used to catch the attention of your guests, you can use low lights to create intimacy. You can cast low lights from various sources. Some examples are candles, dimmed bulbs, twinkle lights, and many other things. These lights will not only initiate conversation but will also bring you and your guests together. They will connect on a deeper level. This is why your wedding should be a combination of both bright and low lights.


3.     Incredible Pictures

Your wedding pictures are one of the most critical parts of your wedding. That’s because you will cherish your big day later through your photographs. If you want to capture some great pictures, you must pay attention to the lighting details. No pictures will come out great without the correct type of lighting. While most people take the help of the camera flash for their wedding picture, some people do not like it much. They want to use the perfect lighting to create softer pictures. If you are also not a fan of flash, you must pay attention to your wedding lighting. It is not only cost-effective, but you will get some incredible pictures that you will cherish forever.

4.     Enhances the Ambiance

There is no denying the fact that the correct type of lighting can change the entire ambiance of your wedding venue. What’s more, with the right kind of spotlight and color mixing, you can even create the atmosphere you want. These methods are highly cost-effective and reflect the level of thoughtfulness that you have put into your wedding. Furthermore, the correct type of lighting will create a magical moment when the sun goes down, and there is a need for lighting. You will be able to create your own fairytale with the lighting that you have picked for your big day.

5.     Customizable

Another considerable benefit of wedding lighting, such as uplighting, is that it is entirely customizable. Whether you want to use the lights on a large scale or a low scale, you can easily fit them into your budget. What’s more, you can also use these lights to keep changing the colors to suit the various moods at your wedding. This is why wedding lighting such as spotlights and uplighting are gaining so much popularity these days.

What is the Wedding Lighting Lingo?

Before you start looking for wedding lighting inspirations, there are some key terms that you should know. These terms will help you when you are looking for lights or talking to vendors. Let’s check them out below.

Texture Lights

Texture lighting is almost as same as gobo lighting. The only difference between these two lights is that the texture lighting uses a preset pattern.

LED Lights

LED lights are the bulbs used in the wedding. These lights are not only cost-effective, but they are extremely long-lasting as well. Not only this, but they offer more vibrant colors than traditional bulbs.


Uplighting is a type of lighting in which lights are placed on a floor. These lights are available in various colors. They are put in such a way that they shine up to the wall.

Color Wash

Color wash is generally a color fill. If you are looking for something to light up the entire room, then these lights are the perfect option for you. That’s because these lights are used to light the whole room instead of a particular object.


Pendant lights are also known as suspenders or drop lights. You can use these fixtures to hang from the ceiling and light up your wedding venue.



Some Unique Wedding Lighting Ideas for You

The wedding lighting that you choose can turn your big day into a more special one. This is why you must very carefully pick the lights for your wedding. Looking for some unique lighting ideas for your special day? We have listed some out-of-the-box ideas for you below. Keep reading.

1.     Line Up Lanterns

If you are hosting an open-air event for your wedding, then you must definitely go for lanterns. While there are many ways to arrange the lanterns, lining them up is the classiest of all. They will not only prove to be great for open-air dinner but will provide the perfect ambiance for a dance session as well.

2.     Hang a Fixture

Fixtures are no doubt great. They are not only eye-catching but give you the feeling of having dinner at home. So, if you also want to have a home-like feel on your big day, you can always hang a fixture. It will surely do the trick for you.

3.     Gobo Lighting

Did you know that you can have your initials projected on anything you want on your big day? It is an excellent way of personalizing your wedding. Gobo is a type of light that projects the image on a surface. Whether you want to project them on a ceiling, floor, or wall, you can do it by creating a gobo.

4.     String Lights and Garlands

Want to decorate a blank wall on your wedding way? Well, hanging string lights and garlands never get old. To make the view more impactful, you can even hang white drapes on the wall as well. The result will no doubt create a lasting impact on your guests. Your pictures will turn out great as well.

5.     Fairy Lights and Festoon

Fairy lights and festoon are not only cost-effective, but they will make your venue look like a fairytale. So, if you are hosting an outdoor wedding, then fairy lights and festoon is one of the most incredible ways to add lights to your wedding. What’s more, you can even use these lights to get a canopy effect.

6.     Spotlights

If you want to show off your wedding venue, then the greatest and the simplest thing you can do is add spotlights. You can choose whatever color you want that will complement your venue. They are for sure going to grab a lot of eyes.

7.     Light Up Trees

Looking for some unique ideas for wedding lighting? Then you should definitely go to light up the trees. To create a more impactful scene, you can set up your tables around the trees as well. Your guests would love being seated in such a cool place.

wedding lighting

8.     Pin Spot

If you want to highlight your flowers and table settings, then we have something incredibly simple and great for you. All you need to do is adopt a simple technique and watch it doing wonders for you. This technique is called pin spotting, where a narrow beam of light lights up the center of the table.

wedding lighting

9.     Glass Orbs

Wedding pictures are something that you should not take lightly. That’s because you are going to cherish these pictures for the rest of your life. They will keep reminding you of your big day. So, if you want some great wedding pictures, then you should hang wedding glass orbs. You will surely get some great shots.

wedding lighting

10.            Disco Ball against String Lights

If you want to create an eye-catching dance floor for your big day, then all you have to do is use a disco ball against some string lights. It is an effortless technique that will create magic for you. No one would want to leave the dance floor after this.

What Is the Cost of Wedding Lighting?

The wedding lighting cost is something that is not fixed. It can vary from event to event. This is why it will be unfair to put an exact number on the wedding lighting cost. But, the good news is that you can decide the wedding lights according to your own budget. Furthermore, if your budget does not allow too many lights, you can go for candles. Candles are not only cost-effective but will add a dramatic effect to your big day in ways that you never imagined. So, don’t worry whether your budget is big or small. You can always come up with the perfect lighting ideas that will fit your budget.

Some Tips on Choosing the Right Type of Wedding Lighting For Your Big Day

When it comes down to weddings, choosing the proper lighting can be the most challenging part. That’s because of the many options available to choose from. If you are also stuck in such a situation, you do not need to worry anymore. We have listed some essential tips for you below that can help you a lot.

1.     Talk to Your Photographer

While many people prefer daylight pictures o their wedding, some want to shoot at night as well. If you wish to do some nighttime shots of your big day, then you must consult your photographer first. They will help you in picking the perfect lights for your big day. These lights will for sure give you some great pictures. Do not make the mistake of choosing the lights without the advice of your photographer. They are the professionals, and they know which type of lights will suit your venue. As a result, you will get some great pictures that you will value for the rest of your life.

2.     Talk to the Venue Staff

Do you have some wedding lighting ideas in your mind? There is a big chance that your venue may not support your ideas. This is why it is crucial to talk to the venue staff and discuss your ideas with them beforehand. You should consult your ideas with them and inquire about the type of lighting equipment they offer. Furthermore, you should also find out whether you are permitted to apply your lighting ideas to the venue or not. This will save you a lot of trouble and confusion later.

3.     Sync Up The Suppliers

If you want your wedding event to be a smooth one, we would suggest that you sync up your different suppliers together. In this way, they will coordinate with the lighting that you have picked for your wedding. For example, the flower vendor and the light vendor must talk to each other beforehand. Working in coordination with each other will help them create something magical that everyone will love.

4.     Match the Color of Light

There is no point in adding lights to your wedding if they are not the correct type of lights. This is why you must pick the right kind of lights that match. Make sure that the lights that you choose match your on and off-camera flash. Furthermore, you should also consider the temperature of the ambient light. This will help you a great deal in balancing out the light in the scene.

5.     Do Not Try to Do It Yourself

Although we all love DIY weddings, we would suggest that you do not try to do it yourself when it comes to wedding lighting. That’s because it is incredibly technical. While it looks like something that only requires plugging in the lights or lighting the candles, this is not the case. Wedding lighting is much more than that. Therefore, you should leave this task to professional vendors. They will take care of the entire lighting of the setup while you focus on other essential tasks.

6.     Talk to Your DJ

The first dance is always essential and memorable. This is why using the correct type of lights during your first dance is extremely important. For this purpose, you must talk to your DJ beforehand. You should discuss the lights that will constantly stay on and the lights that will be turned on later. The entire point of talking to the DJ beforehand is to avoid any surprises later. For this reason, it is crucial to speak to the DJ about the lighting to avoid any unexpected circumstances.

7.     Use Candles

Is your budget not allowing you to have enough lights that you wanted for your big day? Well, you can always use candles. There is no such thing as having too many candles. The candles are not only cost-effective but are a perfect way to create an ideal ambiance. But, make sure that your wedding venue allows the candles beforehand. It can save you the disappointment later. If the candles are allowed, you should stack them up at the venue before your big day. We would also suggest that you buy some spare candles in case of any emergency.

8.     Do Not Create an Eyesore

Last but not least, we would advise you not to overdo it with the lights. A lot of people make the mistake of using too much lighting. As a result, the entire venue becomes an eyesore for both the guests and yourself. Your ultimate lighting goal must be to light up the venue without making an impression of an imposing setup. This becomes more important if you are thinking of using multiple lights. If you want to use various lights, then you must go for small modifiers that are unobtrusive. This will not only look decent but will not give an impression of an imposing setup either.


Not sure about the places to add light to? Well, you do not need to worry anymore. We have got you covered. For your convenience, we have a checklist for your wedding lighting. All you need to do is go through the checklist and make sure that you have added lights to the places mentioned in the list. It will make things easier for you during the setup and save you from the last moment hustle as well. Let’s take a look at the wedding lighting checklist below.

  • Lounge Areas
  • Ceremony Aisle
  • Dance Floor
  • Reception Tables
  • Cake Table
  • Ceremony Backdrop
  • Trees
  • Cocktail Tables
  • Food Station Backdrop
  • Outdoor Walkways
  • Ceiling
  • Guestbook Table
  • Photo Booth
  • Bar
  • Reception Exit

Final Thoughts

Your wedding event can be filled up with a lot of challenges. This is why you must always plan your wedding and its lighting in advance. We hope that this guide will help you pick the perfect wedding lighting for your big day. That’s because choosing the right lights is not only crucial for the pictures but it will make your venue magical as well.

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